Tuesday, March 31, 2009


I am new to the blogosphere, so bear with me as I get this initiative up and running. My vision is to provide a place where people can come and discuss political problems, and offer solutions. In my book, Provide for the Common Defence, I not only cite many of the problems that our nation faces because of failed border policies, but I offer specific public policy solutions. We are oftentimes overwhelmed by all of the bad news, but rarely hear anything substantive put forward by either political camp as to exactly how we can fix things--very frustrating for many of us. There are many subjects that I want to talk about over the coming days and months. Don't worry because there are lots of them out there for all us to address. And, lastly, I will say that we are much stronger together than we can ever be in isolation. The leftists are great at keeping us fragmented, so we have to be vigilant and work toward policy proposals that are in keeping with our Conservative principles. Let's get on with it!

Monday, March 30, 2009


Welcome to my blog spot. If you haven't already done so, please visit my web site, www.chrishatley.com. Become a follower of this blog to read my latest blogs and learn about upcoming events. Thanks for your interest.